Defibrillator Check Rota
The rota for December/January/February/March is set out below.
If anyone needs to swap their week (due to illness / holidays), please can you arrange this amongst yourselves.
Richard in the week 2nd December
Karen in the week 9th December
Jamie in the week 16th December
Sean in the week 23rd December
Zoe in the week 30th December
Steve in the week of 6th January
Pilates Works Team in the week of 13th January
Miller’s Team in the week of 20th January
Amy in the week of 27th January
Richard in the week 3rd February
Karen in the week 10th February
Jamie in the week 17th February
Sean in the week 24th February
Zoe in the week 3rd March
Steve in the week of 10th March
Pilates Works Team in the week of 17th March
Miller’s Team in the week of 24th March
Amy in the week of 31st March
Note: The weekly Defib checking and reporting is as follows, we have been asked to do a weekly site/ready check and a monthly full check.
Weekly site/ready check
Submit a full weekly report via WEBNOS - you are reporting that the site has been checked and the defib is rescue ready and the tag is not broken.
To do this view through the outer casing cabinet to check that the defibrillator is rescue ready (can you see the tick) please file a full report on line report.
If you see that the red tag has been broken then you do need to do a complete check….see below.
Monthly full check
Once every 4 weeks we need to do a full check (which involves removing the outer case) and again report this on line.
When you do a full check please replace the security tab with a new one, Richard has these in Glass & Craft.